Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11 Days has gone by since my accident and still I’m struggling with the symptoms of concussion.

The headaches, nausea, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and drowsiness simply don’t want to go away.

It got me worried and I decided to go see someone about it.

On Monday I went to Medi-Clinic Sports Centre for a check up and hoping for a date to return back to sport.

The doctor ensured me that having the symptoms still am normal, seeing to it that I was unconscious for 3 to 4 hours.

He couldn’t give me an exact date, only that it would take time. Clearly I still have concussion and will have to wait for the symptoms to be completely gone before I can think of riding again.

All I can do is rest and sleep.And hopefully be back on my bike soon!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My weekend ended quite the opposite to what I had in mind.
Wish I could write my own version how my race ended but sadly I can’t remember a lot. So I will have to settle with what I had to read myself

“It was Yolandi du Toit’s unfortunate run-in with an Impala that had everyone talking long after the event. Du Toit was one of the favorites to win but in the first 30km while passing through a reserve she was quite literally “taken out” by a buck. According to eye witnesses the Impala was trying to jump between the racing mountain bikers when it slammed into the unwitting cyclist.

She was transported to Medi-Clinic hospital in Vanderbijlpark. The Garmin DCM beauty escaped relatively unscathed without any major injuries or broken bones although heavily concussed and forced to stay in hospital overnight. Race winner and boyfriend Swanepoel who left for the hospital immediately after his win stayed with her throughout”

Parys. – ’n Rooibokram het Saterdag buite dié Vrystaatse dorp gedurende die Ride Crater Cruise-bergfietswedren vir groot konsternasie gesorg toe hy een van Suid-Afrika se voorste vroue-fietsryers van haar fiets afgestamp het.
Me. Yolandi du Toit, wat vir die Garmin-beroepspan ry, was besig om in die vrouewedren voor te jaag toe sy skielik ’n beweging uit die kant van haar oog gewaar.
Die volgende oomblik het sy erge pyn ervaar. Toe word alles net swart voor haar.
“Die eerste keer dat ek weer van iets bewus geraak het, was toe ek in ’n hospitaalbed wakker word.”
Volgens haar was sy amper vyf uur lank half bewusteloos. Gelukkig is geen van haar bene gebreek nie. Du Toit het gesê sy het steeds geen idee wat gebeur het nie. Volgens haar het sy maar by vriende en haar pa gehoor dat ’n bok haar van haar fiets gestamp het.
Mnr. Francois du Toit, haar pa, wat ’n entjie agter sy dogter aan die trap was, het gesê hy het ook nie gesien wat gebeur het nie.
“Ek het net skielik gesien Yolandi lê langs die pad en van haar spanmaats pas noodhulp op haar toe. Soos ek verstaan, was daar ’n trop bokke aan die een kant van die paadjie.
“Die vermoede is dat een bok as gevolg van die fietswedren van die trop afgekeer was.”
“Dit is absoluut ’n fratsongeluk. Ek het aan baie bergfietswedrenne deelgeneem en nog nooit het so iets gebeur nie.”
Mnr. Lukas Fick, ’n wildkenner, het gesê dit is die eerste keer dat hy van so iets hoor.
“Ek twyfel nie dat die bok suiwer instinktief opgetree het nie. As ek luister wat vertel word, sal ek sê dit was eintlik paniek.
“Met die fietsryers wat die hele tyd tussen die bok en die res van die trop gery het, het hy waarskynlik iewers tussen die bosse gestaan en rondtrippel.
“Met elke sekonde wat verbygegaan het, het die bok meer paniekerig geraak totdat sy vrees die oorhand gekry het.
“Toe het hy seker blindelings gestorm en gespring. Ongelukkig het hy nie hoog genoeg gespring nie en die fietsryer getref.”
Volgens Fick kan ’n rooibok met gemak oor ’n motor spring. “

I’ll be going for a check up on Monday, where they would decide when I can return to sport

Friday, October 3, 2008

World championships in Varese, Italy

Being part of the National team competing in Varese was a big opportunity.

I was really looking forward to this event. Being able to participate and compare yourself against the best in the world is the ideal opportunity to see where you are and where you have to be.

Unfortunately I got ill there and couldn’t get my body to pull itself together. Knowing that I maybe shouldn’t have started the race, but I know from previous experience’s I will regret it more if I don’t at least try.

After the 3rd lap I got dropped and pulled off. I didn’t really see the point in continuing. It might have hurt my body as well but I was too disappointed in myself to carry on.

Being able to see Italy on the other hand was great. The first few days I only saw my bedroom walls. Thursday I felt better and was able to ride my bike a bit. We stayed in Castelleta, at the bottom of Lake Varese. I did most of my rides a long side the lake. It was a beautiful picture to see the lake framed with mountains.