Thursday, December 18, 2008


The last eight weeks has been quite a testing time for me. Trying to get over the concussion I sustained at the Crater cruise. When a blesbuck (or who knows) decided I was the softest target out of the thousand participants.

I started my training about more than a week ago. Not long into my rides my knee started flaming up again. I’ve been fighting with it throughout the season. During the season you can’t really sort out problematic areas in between all the racing and training.

A very good thing about my accident was being forced to rest and stay off of my bike completely for 8 weeks. It was already difficult enough forgetting small things, getting lost in your own town can’t be fun!

So any pain occurring now isn’t because my body needs rest. And now is the best time to sort out these problems. With my first event only at the end of January (Barberton), I really do have plenty of time.

I went to a see a few people about my knee, the more you know the better you can fix the problem. The only thing I knew was that it hurts when I am riding.

First I went to a Biokineticus. His opinion was that I have a muscle imbalance. Which causes the patella to be pulled side ways by the stronger muscles, the friction causes inflammation and that causes the pain. I was given a few exercises to help strengthen up the weaker muscles.

I continued riding but the pain was still there….

Next I went to see a orthopaedic surgeon, he immediately send to for a MR scan, because he understands sport being a triathlon athlete himself and knows the importance to get back into training a soon as possible. They found nothing, and agreed that I must continue with the exercise program from the Biokineticus.

At least now I know that I don’t have any bone or joint disorder.

Still during my rides the pain was there…

Next I went for a bike setup at Fritz Pienaar Cycle’s. They make use of the bike setup designed through specialized and it’s a great setup method.

They also had new innersoles designed by Specialized to support your arch. It’s incredible to see and feel the difference.

Now when I go for a ride, I can feel the pressure on my knee isn’t there anymore.

The bike setup togehter with the innersoles had made a huge difference in my cycling.I can continue training as usual while working on my weak muscle’s and continue seeing Hannes (a physical therapist). I’ve been seeing him since I’ve been back from Europe.

He understands a sport persons body and start from the start! His opinion is that it’s because of my lower back and pelvis which is out of line.

Unfortunately the process was put on hold after the accident.

So for now I can continue training comfortably. While sorting out my entire body to be 100% when my racing season starts!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

11 Days has gone by since my accident and still I’m struggling with the symptoms of concussion.

The headaches, nausea, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and drowsiness simply don’t want to go away.

It got me worried and I decided to go see someone about it.

On Monday I went to Medi-Clinic Sports Centre for a check up and hoping for a date to return back to sport.

The doctor ensured me that having the symptoms still am normal, seeing to it that I was unconscious for 3 to 4 hours.

He couldn’t give me an exact date, only that it would take time. Clearly I still have concussion and will have to wait for the symptoms to be completely gone before I can think of riding again.

All I can do is rest and sleep.And hopefully be back on my bike soon!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My weekend ended quite the opposite to what I had in mind.
Wish I could write my own version how my race ended but sadly I can’t remember a lot. So I will have to settle with what I had to read myself

“It was Yolandi du Toit’s unfortunate run-in with an Impala that had everyone talking long after the event. Du Toit was one of the favorites to win but in the first 30km while passing through a reserve she was quite literally “taken out” by a buck. According to eye witnesses the Impala was trying to jump between the racing mountain bikers when it slammed into the unwitting cyclist.

She was transported to Medi-Clinic hospital in Vanderbijlpark. The Garmin DCM beauty escaped relatively unscathed without any major injuries or broken bones although heavily concussed and forced to stay in hospital overnight. Race winner and boyfriend Swanepoel who left for the hospital immediately after his win stayed with her throughout”

Parys. – ’n Rooibokram het Saterdag buite dié Vrystaatse dorp gedurende die Ride Crater Cruise-bergfietswedren vir groot konsternasie gesorg toe hy een van Suid-Afrika se voorste vroue-fietsryers van haar fiets afgestamp het.
Me. Yolandi du Toit, wat vir die Garmin-beroepspan ry, was besig om in die vrouewedren voor te jaag toe sy skielik ’n beweging uit die kant van haar oog gewaar.
Die volgende oomblik het sy erge pyn ervaar. Toe word alles net swart voor haar.
“Die eerste keer dat ek weer van iets bewus geraak het, was toe ek in ’n hospitaalbed wakker word.”
Volgens haar was sy amper vyf uur lank half bewusteloos. Gelukkig is geen van haar bene gebreek nie. Du Toit het gesê sy het steeds geen idee wat gebeur het nie. Volgens haar het sy maar by vriende en haar pa gehoor dat ’n bok haar van haar fiets gestamp het.
Mnr. Francois du Toit, haar pa, wat ’n entjie agter sy dogter aan die trap was, het gesê hy het ook nie gesien wat gebeur het nie.
“Ek het net skielik gesien Yolandi lê langs die pad en van haar spanmaats pas noodhulp op haar toe. Soos ek verstaan, was daar ’n trop bokke aan die een kant van die paadjie.
“Die vermoede is dat een bok as gevolg van die fietswedren van die trop afgekeer was.”
“Dit is absoluut ’n fratsongeluk. Ek het aan baie bergfietswedrenne deelgeneem en nog nooit het so iets gebeur nie.”
Mnr. Lukas Fick, ’n wildkenner, het gesê dit is die eerste keer dat hy van so iets hoor.
“Ek twyfel nie dat die bok suiwer instinktief opgetree het nie. As ek luister wat vertel word, sal ek sê dit was eintlik paniek.
“Met die fietsryers wat die hele tyd tussen die bok en die res van die trop gery het, het hy waarskynlik iewers tussen die bosse gestaan en rondtrippel.
“Met elke sekonde wat verbygegaan het, het die bok meer paniekerig geraak totdat sy vrees die oorhand gekry het.
“Toe het hy seker blindelings gestorm en gespring. Ongelukkig het hy nie hoog genoeg gespring nie en die fietsryer getref.”
Volgens Fick kan ’n rooibok met gemak oor ’n motor spring. “

I’ll be going for a check up on Monday, where they would decide when I can return to sport

Friday, October 3, 2008

World championships in Varese, Italy

Being part of the National team competing in Varese was a big opportunity.

I was really looking forward to this event. Being able to participate and compare yourself against the best in the world is the ideal opportunity to see where you are and where you have to be.

Unfortunately I got ill there and couldn’t get my body to pull itself together. Knowing that I maybe shouldn’t have started the race, but I know from previous experience’s I will regret it more if I don’t at least try.

After the 3rd lap I got dropped and pulled off. I didn’t really see the point in continuing. It might have hurt my body as well but I was too disappointed in myself to carry on.

Being able to see Italy on the other hand was great. The first few days I only saw my bedroom walls. Thursday I felt better and was able to ride my bike a bit. We stayed in Castelleta, at the bottom of Lake Varese. I did most of my rides a long side the lake. It was a beautiful picture to see the lake framed with mountains.

Monday, September 15, 2008



The European season is slowly coming to an end. In less than 2 weeks I will be participating at the Road World Championships in Varese, Italy.

Last week I did my final hard preparation for the road race, together with a MTB and Road race over the weekend.

The MTB race was only added onto our program on Thursday. With a hard training week and still not fully recovered from the previous MTB race I knew I wouldn’t be 100% but was still willing to give it a go.

The Down and Dirty mountain bike race was held in Pretoria. The technical single track sections got the better part of me and Letitia Botha took the win, me 2nd and my Garmin Team mate Samantha Oostuisen 3rd

The Dome2Dome road race was held in Johannesburg. It was one of the big road events of the Summer Cycling Season.

The event started just before 6 o’clock in the morning and the freezing wind made the start extra uncomfortable.

My week of hard training and the mountain bike race on Saturday took its toll and I was in trouble from the start. I got dropped early on in the race and finished in the 3rd group.

This last 2 weeks before worlds i will just be taking it easy, to hopefully be in my best form at Worlds

On Saturday Night I will be flying out with the SA squad to Italy were we will be participate in the World Road Championships from the 24-27th of September.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dirty Harry 70km Marathon

(Mazda MTN Series-Drifter 5)

Today was a very special day for me in my cycling career. I won my first big Mountain bike race. I only started mountain biking at the beginning of this year and never thought I would be able to win a drifter in this year already although it was one of my goals in mountain biking.

Competing in Europe during the winter improved my fitness a lot. And I feel more confident on my bike.

I enjoyed the course. It started with a long clime which gave me the opportunity to open up a gap big enough to stay away from the rest of the chasing field.

1st -Yolandi du Toit

2nd - Samantha Oosthuisen

3rd - Carla Rawley

4th -Tanya Raats

Monday, September 1, 2008

MTN Zoo lake criterium

It was great to have some criterium racing in South Africa. It gives friends and families the opportunity to see and be part of the race as well.

The course was not your usual flat, fast and technical circuit. A 1km drag up the finishing straight and some severe winds on the circuit made the racing really hard.

Soon the girl’s peloton got split into a small group of 7. It was again me and Lynette (cycle lab) against 4 MTN girls and Anriette Schoeman (Proline). On the last lap I attacked over the clime and Chrissie Viljoen (MTN) came with. We stayed away till the finish and Chrissie won the sprint.

I liked the race, it’s just a pity that it’s so short (30min) In the future I hope they would make it a proper 80km race.

1st Chrissie Viljoen

2nd Yolandi du Toit

3rd Marissa van den Merwe

4th Lynette burger

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lost City Cycle Classic

I arrived back in SA on Wednesday, with a road and mountain bike race awaiting me over the weekend.

Just getting back I didn’t know how my body would react after travelling.

But I must add it was nice to see and race with my team mates again.

The Subaru Lost City mountain bike race

It was a short, flat 50km circuit. And the race

started crazy fast with a lot of participants fighting

for a front position turning onto the gravel road.

It took me a few kilometres to get the feeling for

my Mountain bike again but once on I loved it. And

WON the race, I am really happy for that because

the race was sponsored by one of our Team

Garmin-DCM main sponsors, Subaru and

also because it’s my first big win on my mountain bike.

The Powerade CANSA Lost City cycle race

One of the nice things I experience that day was being back on my Cervelo bike. Our team are

really lucky to get our bikes fully serviced before a race, even in 3 days time Roy (Team

manager) managed to fix my broken zipp wheel and were I able to race on it.

Our team made the racing from the start and we manage to get away in a few breaks. But the

final move on the day consisted of 8 girls. Me and lynette (Cycle lab) was a bit out numbered

against 4 MTN girls, Which made the final sprint difficult trying to cover all the attacks. But we

manage to get a 3rd place (Lynette burger)

Monday, August 18, 2008


Sunday, 10/08

Prologue - 3,2km

It was very short; I am not a great sprinter but

still gave my best. I felt good and I know I gave everything. For me that’s the most important. I

miss having a TT-bike here though. . My team mate finished 2nd and got the mountain jersey. So tomorrow we will have to try and keep it!

Monday, 11/08

Stage 1 – 82km

It was a short stage but didn’t make the racing any easier (AVG – 39, 4 km /h). The weather

wasn’t really nice. It started raining early in the morning and kept on raining throughout the day.

It’s terrible to start in the rain but once you’re racing its not that bad. I enjoyed working with

my team it gives me something to race hard for. We had to go with every break that goes down

the road. Grace (my team mate) held onto her jersey.

Tuesday, 12/08

Stage 2– 116,6km

The rain hasn’t stop falling here in France and they’re predicting rain throughout the rest of the week. One day in rain is enjoyable but more….

I don’t mind rain if the roads handle it okay but the roads were so slippery that my wheels slipped each time I stand to pedal over a clime.

Grace started in the mountain jersey. Each team member worked really hard and at the end of the day Grace moved into yellow. I am happy for her and the team.

But I know there is hard work that lies ahead.

Wednesday, 13/08

Stage 3 – 110,2 km

Today we started without rain. There were a few drops falling later on, but luckily not enough to make the roads slippery. It was a hard day trying to keep the jersey but unfortunately we lost it. My knee is giving me trouble again because of the hard racing over the last few days. I am not sure if I will be able to start tomorrow. Will go for a little ride in the morning and see how my knee feels.

Thursday, 14/08

Stage 4- 138,5 km

I decided to at least try and race and I am glad I did.

I didn’t enjoy the race itself because I was arguing with myself whether what I am doing is good or bad for me in the long run, Must I stop or continue. All these thoughts running

through my head just made the race feel extra long. I was so happy to finish. I didn’t think I would and now thinking back it actually makes me sad that I am racing only to finish.

I also ended up in a small crash. My team mate came up to me to give me a bottle which she was carrying in her back pocket and just when I took it out, She touched wheels with the girl in front of her and we both ended up crashing. Afterwards I found it very funny, because just imagine only two lotto girls lying on the ground.

Friday, 15/08

Stage 5- 130km

With my knee I am racing day to day seeing how my knee feels

and my team knows that, so they try to use me as long as I am

there to help. Think I will have to change my name after this

tour, I got so tired of hearing “yolandi” At some points I felt like

screaming on the radio that I am not the only girl in the team.

But it makes sense why they use me it’s just so hardJ. My knee

felt better and the stage suited me more today. It was long

gradual climes which I love and it also doesn’t hurt my knee so much.

Saturday, 16/08

Stage 6- 25 km individual TT

It’s was a good circuit. It had one 3km gradual clime in and one 1.2km steeper clime. I found a

good rhythm, which I am glad for because it doesn’t happen a lot in TT. I also couldn’t use my

powertap as guidance. I broke my wheel in a previous crash. On the last clime my chain dropped

off the 23 gear and got stuck between my wheel and gears. They change my wheel to predict it from happening again.

Sunday, 17/08

Stage 7- 100km

The only think I can say about the stage is that I

am glad it’s over. Every team wanted to win the

last stage, which made the stage unnecessary

hard after such a long tour…

Saturday, August 9, 2008

On Sunday I am doing my last tour in Europe.

Le Route de France, it’s an eight day stage race and

finishes on the 17th. Then I will be returning back home on the 20th

The team I am staying with is doing Holland hills in

Maastricht over the weekend and because

Maastricht is so close to were we are staying in

Belgium they decided to go camping there for 3 days.

The team has been really kind and helpful

towards me and also invited me along on their

training camp. I enjoyed the different roads and

scenery. Also our campsite had a swimming pool

and super tube, and I’ll have to admit the swimming area was the highlight of my trip.

I am looking forward to Start this tour although I know its not going to be easy.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sparkassen Giro, UCI 1.1

This past weekend I travelled to Bochum, Germany to take part in the Sparkassen Giro (UCI 1.1).

There were a few events held on the Saturday, as a warm up for the woman and men’s race on the Sunday which also included a Criterium race for the woman.

Saturday -58km (3,6km ×16 times.)

I really enjoyed the circuit, especially the corners. You didn’t need to slow down to much which made the racing smooth and fast. Unfortunately my European luck stepped in and I got a flat wheel 3 laps to go. On a small circuit race like that you aren’t allowed to change and get back in. I was really disappointed, especially because the finish was so close. Luckily there was still the main race left on Sunday.

Sunday – 98km (14,6km × 6times).

I also enjoyed the circuit a lot. You basically climbed for 7km and then descended for 7km, crossing the finishing line 200m after a 90 degrees right hand turn at the bottom of the descent. With almost 200 starters it’s quite a scary experience fighting for a spot in the front going into the corner especially the finishing lap.

I felt good and comfortable on my bike for the first time since I’ve been here. Finished in the first group, 46th.

Think a rest week was all I needed.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Tour Feminin en limousine

24th – 27th July 2008

Stage 1 – 4, 6 km prologue

Stage 2 – 121 km

Stage 3 – 123km

Stage 4 – 96 km

From Tour of Bretagne to this tour

I only had 3 days in between to rest and recover Together with 18 hours driving
from and to the next tour. For me it wasn’t enough and from

the way I felt in Bretagne I should have known I would be tired.

I have to add that I am the only girl in the team that did al 3 tours (la Grande boucle, tour of Bretagne and tour of Limousine) and we were only 2 doing both Bretagne and limousine, with a hard training camp in the Alps

I had to get trough all 3 tours to get into form for a really hard 8 day stage race in France next month (Le Route de France) and also because July's training was important for building up to World championships, if I get selected to go. Arriving a bit late in Europe I am still racing fresh and the races can only make me stronger.

I tried to give my best in the prologue but my results showed that I wasn’t my normal self,

and Dany (Team manager) said I must just ride to finish it. But honestly to ride every day hurting from the start isn’t fun.

I started feeling better as the tour went on, but the stages were still extremely hard.

It was a hilly tour with no flat roads. I am just glad it’s over.

I'snt this just the most beautiful post office you've ever seen. It was at the start of our last stage in France

My next races are Saturday and Sunday in Germany, Sparkassen Giro UCI 1.1.

The woman’s race is in the morning and the men in the afternoon. I am so happy to have a full 5 days with no travelling, racing and training campsJ. Tomorrow I will definitely be going for an easy spin to the nearest coffee shop for “pannekoeken en koffee verkeerd, alstublieft

Monday, July 21, 2008


Thursday, 17/07

Stage 1, 85km

The first Mountain prime was on 3km, which made the race crazy fast from the start.

With 120 girls in the race, the racing is more dangerous and I’m finding it more difficult to get to the front than usual.

The stage finished on a small circuit of 3km×4. I know my cornering isn’t that bad. So I decided to sprint to the front before the corner, luckily because I could only hear some of the girls crashing behind me. I went first through the corner, but going to the finish line I didn’t have to power and started fading towards the finish line.

With the crash at the end they mixed up the places and placed me 47th with 12 seconds behind the bunch although I was 17th with no time lost. They messed up everyone’s result and decided to give everyone the same time.

Friday, 18/07

Stage 2, 118km

The Rolling, winding roads through Bretagne are really beautiful, but make the racing so hard!

Today’s stage we arrived on a finishing circuit of 4× 6.6km. The circuits are definitely the hardest part of the race, and funny enough the easiest part (if you still have legs left) to get away cause the whole bunch is lined out on the circuit and its only the front ones that can really see you if you try to get away or who can bring you back. But the tricky part is to get to the front without killing yourself by doing it. 7 Girls managed to get away and it was my turn to go down in the final bunch sprint. Luckily I didn’t get hurt but broke my Zipp wheel. I’m sad about it because I love those wheels.

Saturday, 19/07

Stage 3, 99km

Every day I can feel my body getting more fatigued and my mind tired of fighting for a place in front. And my knees isn’t coping at all with the racing here.

The finishing circuit (4×4km) was on narrow farm roads. And as soon as we got onto it the bunch got split into small little groups. I ended up in the 3rd group. I just didn’t have the legs to fight for a front position going onto the finishing circuit.

Sunday, 20/07

Stage 4, 10km Time Trail

I lost a lot of time the previous day, so my manager advised me to take it easy and focus on the afternoon’s stage. But being a cyclist I guess we always want to try and give our best.

I decided again just to ride on my threshold power which improved a little since I’ve been here, and happy to have been able to do so. I can’t compete against the others yet, but I’m trying my best to improve and be able to do so in the future.

Sunday, 20/07

Stage 5, 75km

After the Time trail I thought the GC would be final and it would be an easier stage. But I don’t think these girls know what that is. The finishing circuit (4×5km) had a 1km really steep hill in and that killed me, I finished again in the 3 group.

This wasn’t a good tour for me, I felt more tired every day and my body never reached the point of adapting and then starting to feel stronger again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

OLEN 1.15 Dames Elite - Open omloop

It’s been a while back since I’ve done my last Criterium.

I wasn’t sure what to suspect. Only knew that no matter what happens, at least it will help improve my sprinting abilities.

It was an 80 km (17 x 4, 7 km) race, for my team it’s important to get results in their local races.

I think our team controlled the race really well. In criteriums it’s always hard to predict which break will stay away so it’s important to have a rider in every break.

The last lap was very exciting.

There where 2 riders in front, followed by a group of 6 riders that got away on the 2nd last lap and then our group.

The small group got brought back 1km to go, and as we started sprinting the 2 in front just managed to keep their 1st and 2nd place by only 5 seconds.

I found myself in a good position for the sprint and finished 7th

1.15 Dames Elite - Open omloop

Aantal deelnemers: 81


2. DECROIX Lieselot LOTTO BELISOL Ladies team



5. BRULEE Latoya AA-Drink Cycling Team

6. VERBEKE Grace LOTTO BELISOL Ladies team

7. DU TOIT yolandi LOTTO BELISOL Ladies team